— Base class for Recipes
Basic tools and classes used to generate recipe modules.
A recipe is a class that complies with the reduction recipe API:
The class must derive from
- class*args, **kwargs)
Base class for all instrument recipes
- Parameters:
intermediate_results (bool, optional) – If True, save intermediate results of the Recipe
- obresult
- Type:
ObservationResult, requirement
- logger
recipe logger
- class RecipeInput(*args, **kwds)
RecipeInput base class
- class RecipeResult(*args, **kwds)
- build_recipe_input(ob, dal)
Build a RecipeInput object.
- classmethod create_input(*args, **kwds)
Pass the result arguments to the RecipeInput constructor
- classmethod create_result(*args, **kwds)
Pass the result arguments to the RecipeResult constructor
- run_qc(recipe_input, recipe_result)
Run Quality Control checks.
- save_intermediate_array(array, name)
Save intermediate array object as FITS.
- save_intermediate_img(img, name)
Save intermediate FITS objects.
- set_base_headers(hdr)
Set metadata in FITS headers.
- validate_input(recipe_input)
“Validate the input of the recipe
- validate_result(recipe_result)
Validate the result of the recipe
Decorator to measure the time used by the recipe
— Recipe input and output
Recipe inputs and outputs
- class numina.core.recipeinout.RecipeInput(*args, **kwds)
RecipeInput base class
- class numina.core.recipeinout.RecipeResult(*args, **kwds)
- class numina.core.recipeinout.RecipeResultBase(*args, **kwds)
The result of a Recipe.
- class numina.core.recipeinout.define_input(input_class)
Recipe decorator.
- numina.core.recipeinout.define_requirements
alias of
- class numina.core.recipeinout.define_result(resultClass)
Recipe decorator.
— Dataholders
Recipe requirements
- class numina.core.dataholders.Parameter(value, description, destination=None, optional=True, choices=None, validation=True, validator=None, accept_scalar=False, as_list=False, nelem=None, alias=None)
The Recipe requires a plain Python type.
- Parameters:
value (plain python type) – Default value of the parameter, the requested type is inferred from the type of value.
description (str) – Description of the parameter. The value is used by numina show-recipes to provide human-readible documentation.
destination (str, optional) – Name of the field in the RecipeInput object. Overrides the value provided by the name of the Parameter variable
optional (bool, optional) – If False, the builder of the RecipeInput must provide a value for this Parameter. If True (default), the builder can skip this Parameter and then the default in value is used.
choices (list of plain python type, optional) – The possible values of the inputs. Any other value will raise an exception
validator (callable, optional) – A custom validator for inputs
accept_scalar (bool, optional) – If True, when value is a list, scalar value inputs are converted to list. If False (default), scalar values will raise an exception if value is a list
as_list (bool, optional:) – If True, consider the internal type a list even if value is scalar Default is False
nelem (str or int, optional:) – If nelem is ‘*’, the list can contain any number of objects. If is ‘+’, the list must contain at least 1 element. With a number, the list must contain that number of elements.
alias (str, optional) – Alternative name of the field in the RecipeInput object.
- convert(val)
Convert input values to type values.
- validate(val)
Validate values according to the requirement
- class numina.core.dataholders.Product(ptype, description='', validation=True, destination=None, optional=False, default=None, choices=None)
Product holder for RecipeResult.
Deprecated since version 0.16: Product is replaced by Result. It will be removed in 1.0
- class numina.core.dataholders.Requirement(rtype, description, destination=None, optional=False, default=None, choices=None, validation=True, query_opts=None, alias=None)
Requirement holder for RecipeInput.
- Parameters:
rtype (
or Type[DataType]) – Object or class repressenting the yype of the requirement, it must be a subclass of DataTypedescription (str) – Description of the Requirement. The value is used by numina show-recipes to provide human-readable documentation.
destination (str, optional) – Name of the field in the RecipeInput object. Overrides the value provided by the name of the Requirement variable
optional (bool, optional) – If False, the builder of the RecipeInput must provide a value for this Parameter. If True (default), the builder can skip this Parameter and then the default in value is used.
default (optional) – The value provided by the Requirement if the RecipeInput builder does not provide one.
choices (list of values, optional) – The possible values of the inputs. Any other value will raise an exception
alias (str, optional) – Alternative name of the field in the RecipeInput object.
- class numina.core.dataholders.Result(ptype, description='', validation=True, destination=None, optional=False, default=None, choices=None)
Result holder for RecipeResult.
— Recipe requirements
Recipe requirement holders
— Tagger expression
Classes to express tags constraints in recipe requirements
Each type has a series of tag attributes inside the .tags member. Operating with tags creates tag expressions.
>>> tags1 = Tagged(['vph', 'insmode'])
>>> tags1.tags.insmode == "LCB"
When processed, this represents that the insmode key of a particular calibration must be equal to “LCB”.
Most of the time, you don’t need a fixed value, but a value that comes from the observed data
>>> tags1.tags.insmode == tags1.tags.p_("insmode")
In this case, the insmode tag of the calibration must be equal to the value of insmode extracted from the observed data.
Expresions can be nested and make use of the typical logical conectors (AND, OR, NOT), like:
>>> (tags1.tags.insmode == tags1.tags.p_("insmode")) & (tags1.tags.vph == tags1.tags.p_("vph"))
Where & represents AND, | represents OR and ~ represents NOT
- class numina.core.tagexpr.AtomicExpr(name, value)
“Atomic expression
- class numina.core.tagexpr.BinaryExpr(lhs, rhs, oper, op_rep)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.CompoundExpr(*args)
Compound expression
- class numina.core.tagexpr.ConstExpr(value)
A representation of a constant value
- class numina.core.tagexpr.ConstraintAdapter(key, value, oper)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.Expression(*args)
Base class for expressions
- fill_placeholders(**kwargs)
Substitute Placeholder nodes by its value in tags
- fill_tags(**kwargs)
Substitute Placeholder nodes by its value in tags
- is_terminal()
True for leaf nodes
- class numina.core.tagexpr.Placeholder(name)
A representation of a value expected to be substituted
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredAnd(lhs, rhs)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredEq(lhs, rhs)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredGe(key, value)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredGt(key, value)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredLe(key, value)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredLt(key, value)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredNe(key, value)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredNot(pred)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.PredOr(lhs, rhs)
- class numina.core.tagexpr.TagRepr(name, metadata=None)
A representation of a Tag
- class numina.core.tagexpr.UnaryExpr(pred, oper)
- numina.core.tagexpr.filter_tree(condition, tree)
Return parts of the tree that fulfill condition
- numina.core.tagexpr.map_tree(visitor, tree)
Apply function to nodes