numina.dal — Calibration fetching

DAL base class

class numina.dal.daliface.DALInterface

Abstract Base Class for DAL

DAL base classes

class numina.dal.absdal.AbsDAL
class numina.dal.absdal.AbsDrpDAL(drps, *args, **kwargs)

DAL for dictionary-based database of products.

class numina.dal.dictdal.BaseDictDAL(drps, ob_table, prod_table, req_table, extra_data=None, components=None)

A dictionary based DAL

obsres_from_oblock_id(obsid, as_mode=None, configuration=None)

” Override instrument configuration if configuration is not None

search_prod_obsid(ins, obsid, pipeline)

Returns the first coincidence…

search_prod_type_tags(tipo, ins, profile, tags, pipeline)

Returns the first coincidence…

class numina.dal.dictdal.BaseHybridDAL(drps, obtable, base, extra_data=None, basedir=None, components=None)
class numina.dal.dictdal.Dict2DAL(drps, obtable, base, extra_data=None, components=None)
class numina.dal.dictdal.DictDAL(drps, base)
class numina.dal.dictdal.HybridDAL(drps, obtable, base, extra_data=None, components=None, basedir=None)

A DAL that can read files from directory structure

DAL for file-based database of products.

DAL Mock class

class numina.dal.mockdal.MockDAL
search_prod_type_tags(ins, type, tags, pipeline)

Returns the first coincidence…

class numina.dal.stored.StoredParameter(content)

A parameter returned from the DAL

class numina.dal.stored.StoredProduct(id, content, tags, **kwds)

A product returned from the DAL

class numina.dal.stored.StoredResult

Recover the RecipeResult values stored in the Backend

DAL for dictionary-based database of products.

class numina.dal.backend.Backend(drps, base, extra_data=None, basedir=None, components=None, filename=None)

Utilities for DAL

numina.dal.utils.tags_are_valid(subset, superset)

Validate tags